Forum Replies Created
April 1, 2014 at 8:28 pm #10765
another factor is that the characters dash, quote & double quote do not generate the same ascii codes on all keyboards, esp international ones – so even programs that strip out quotes can get confused
April 1, 2014 at 8:20 pm #10728@leo wrote:
Now I see why your portfolio is so diverse and historic! You guys have been holding out on us.diverse, historic and low demand! history’s always been of interest to me, esp’ly when traveling — on the coming trip to Turkey we’ll go back 14,000 years in gobekli tepe, feed Abraham’s carp in harran, , trace alexander’s route thru Anatolia and explore greek, roman & Islamic ruins
April 1, 2014 at 12:09 am #8990thanks for catching that — the link is now
I’d changed the page title while doing SEO — changed image names don’t seem to affect external links, but changing page names does!
March 31, 2014 at 2:27 am #10710@shelma1 wrote:
I’m really getting annoyed now at having the Symbiostock logo and author stuff on my home page and will probably switch to another theme. Getting rid of widgets makes no difference, assigning another page as the home page makes no difference, switching from Sym child to Sym makes no difference.
if you use the generated home page then this stuff is automatically stuffed into your pages, and it’s supported in the home page templates
if you design your own home page using another template you can easily get rid of all the stuff you don’t want to see
it’s a trade off between making it simple to set up (with what we may consider a less than optimal home page) and having the ability to tweak as we like
March 31, 2014 at 2:22 am #10723some of my earliest interactions were in the CompuServe religion-history forums (and for some reason shareware forums) — that era of history has always fascinated me, though my atheism was confirmed long before that -0- but the history & philosophical aspects are endlessly intriguing. we’ve been able to explore many of these sites in travels to turkey, iran and india
as a scientist I’ve always been interested in the backlash against evolution. esp’ly in schools, and have participated in many discussion on these lines — for too long scientists assumed the fact of evolution was too obvious to need special action, but the US has a long history of anti – intellectualism and anti-science biases in general
the result has been a population that doesn’t understand or accept basic scientific concepts like global warming or the germ theory of disease
March 31, 2014 at 2:22 am #10722some of my earliest interactions were in the CompuServe religion-history forums (and for some reason shareware forums) — that era of history has always fascinated me, though my atheism was confirmed long before that -0- but the history & philosophical aspects are endlessly intriguing. we’ve been able to explore many of these sites in travels to turkey, iran and india
as a scientist I’ve always been interested in the backlash against evolution. esp’ly in schools, and have participated in many discussion on these lines — for too long scientists assumed the fact of evolution was too Iobvious to need special action, but the US has a long history of anti – intellectualism and anti-science biases in general
the result has been a population that doesn’t understand or accept basic scientific concepts like global warming or the germ ththeory of disease
March 30, 2014 at 7:26 pm #10719@shazamimages wrote:
@leo wrote:
I got a bit older and I learned “Oh, ok, Pharoah didn’t realy survive the flood and go back to an empty kingdom…he died in the Red Sea”…
I don’t believe that the Bible indicates if Pharaoh was killed or not.
.first, it’s not clear when the moses stuff was supposed to have happened — so there are several possibilities for who was pharaoh — but all potential pharaohs have tombs in the valley of the kings, and there are no contemporary records of any pharaoh or his army being destroyed. there are contemporaneous accounts for the period -1500 -1100 BCE that document Egypt’s conflicts with Hittites, Hyksos, peoples from the sea et al
the bible doesn’t start to have any historical credibility until much later, eg the Babylonian captivity, and even then the bibilical accounts were written long after the time they purport to describe
March 29, 2014 at 7:36 pm #10666right – definitely NOT working the way described — though it used to do so in the old days…
joann – re timing — I just count to myself — i trained myself for timing short intervals when i didn’t have a stopwatch, and my accuracy is within 10%; just takes a little practise
March 28, 2014 at 10:55 pm #10653I cleared the xml-cache folder – no difference
I also turned off the option ” If no local results found, show images from Global Symbiostock Search Engine “
no difference
the searchtest takes a few sec on my site
is there a way to tell if searches really ARE being done simultaneously on our sites?March 28, 2014 at 10:42 pm #10652@joannsnover wrote:
It’s taking forever to delete the 8,000 files in that directory (I switched to cPanel to see if it’d be faster than via Fetch/FTP)!
a quicker way to ‘delete’ is just rename it (I put an ‘x’ at the start of the folder name), then create a new folder with the name — helps, too if you later want to restore
March 28, 2014 at 10:07 pm #10650re the 4-7 sec to search a site — that’s a LOT of time! –if the search looks at 10 sites before displaying any results, that’s 40-70 sec of delay!
ajt – has anything changed recently in the way searches are done? is the search looking at indexed keywords? or at all text in an image record?
March 28, 2014 at 10:01 pm #10693Welcome! (even tho you’ve been online here awhile)
I’ve added you to the global search at http://symbiostock-search.comTo help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at addition, any site that adds to their network will receive active links in reports such as
Also, be sure to edit your profile so that your site appears as part of your signature, making it easy for anyone reading the forum to get to your site
March 27, 2014 at 11:09 pm #10633I think it’s more in HOW the search is being done than WHO is being searched
March 27, 2014 at 10:50 pm #106311 agree — looks like the problem may be in the way the sym theme or WP does its searches — if the search is purely on keywords, then it should be able to use the keyword table at each site. if it also includes title and/or desc, then the search will take a lot longer since it will have to search all records at each site..
there are differences in times and results for the 3 types of search (batch, bulk and menu) but batch and menu search find same number of images, in very different times (and doesn’t matter which is done first, so caching can’t explain it) the bulk editor seems to have a different way to search — fast, but less accurate. i have the actual keyword counts from my global database.
whatever the regular search is doing, it doesn’t outperform the batch search. so either it’s doing something different, or the network search is adding time
whatever the menu search is doing, it doesn’t do it better than the quicker batch search. if both use the same search then the difference lies with the network
if it’s the second case, then a simple solution would be to use the keyword-only search as the default, and use the more extensive search only if the user clicks on it (and have a note there telling them the more elaborate search will take longer)
batch editor 1070 found 6 sec
search 1070 images found 20 sec+
bulk edit few sec 1000 itemsactual keywords: 1063
batch editor 492 found 8 sec
search 492 images found 40 sec
bulk edit 29 items 6 sec
actual keywords = 500found in bulk edit:
1345, 7036, 13536, 13546 dont have food as keyword
but all have it in titlehorse
batch editor 208 found 17 sec
search 208 images found 30 sec
bulk edit 148 items 8 sec
actual keywords = 203March 27, 2014 at 9:24 pm #10629definitely seems to be something in the searching – I don’t have in my network, but both and my global search are very fast.
so it looks like it’s something in how sym itself does the multiple searcheshere are some times to search across all sites from my global search — it retrieves 1000 images from various sites. the ‘display’ time measures the end of creating the page – the actual time to finish bringing up the entire page is longer, but usually only about 5-10 sec
what someone needs to do is add some timing events in the searches — first for the initial site, and then for each site called to see if there’s big variation in responses from various hosts
# records = 1000
Only first 1000 shown.
Elapsed time = 0.1445313 sec for select
Elapsed time = 4.933594 sec for displaysearch from my symsite takes about 30 sec (i dont have sym…info in my network) — 1794 results found in 0.061s
# records = 1000Elapsed time = 0.09375 sec for select
Elapsed time = 3.34375 sec for displaysearch from my symsite takes about 20 sec — 13745 results found in 0.3201s
# records = 1000Elapsed time = 0.09375 sec for select
Elapsed time = 0.671875 sec for displaysearch from my symsite takes about 40 sec to start showing images and another few sec to finish creating the page — 21342 results found in 0.5012s