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    Profile photo of cascoly

    I agree that symbio users are not necessarily stock agency users, so we need to adapt to that, but that aassumption needs verification , and only then can we really decide about exclusivity, paid advertising, etc

    one approach I’ve taken is with keyword analysis – seeing which keywords and esp’ly promoted keywords are most effective in getting clicks

    I didn’t vote in the poll, since it’s rather slanted towards a pre-conceived result, and doesn’t give room for more nuanced approaches –eg, there’s an enormous range of ‘paid advertising’, so the simple yes/never doesn’t work. better poll would allow a range of values for each proposition

    –I plan to go exclusive 1-5

    –I’m interested in paid advertising 1-5

    another form of exclusivity would be to offer exclusives on the sym site while still working with agencies

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @shelma1 wrote:

    HI all,

    I’m looking to network with people who are actively marketing their sites. (SEO/social networking/paid advertising.)

    I’m running paid ads for my site on google express (pay per click) and Facebook, and I’m generating traffic and clickthroughs to the Symbiostock global search as well as the sites connected to me. I’d like to build on that by connecting with others who are also paying for eyeballs.

    Hope there are a couple of takers. 🙂

    I’ve added you to my network — i’m currently using adwords at a low level, concentrating on keywords for image collections and specific images – started in mid – dec — I’ve gotten more clicks, but so far no sales, but this is a slow time of year. i’ll be mostly skiing the next 4 weeks, so won’t ramp up further til I can mpnitor more closely

    Profile photo of cascoly

    check that your exif data actually has a title — the feature to append text to image titles works fine, and I’ve changed the text several times

    your problem occurs when symbio doesn’t find a ‘title’ — there are multiple ways to define a title. what software do you use? there’s a similar problem where sym reads several different fields to make the desc, resulting in duplication

    some of my older images show uo with the ‘stock image’ problem — if you try to edit them, you’ll see there’s no title – and if you check in a exif editor like gui exiftool, youll see a blank for one of the titles

    yoast uses the title you give in metadata and doesn’t add to the front unless you specifically set it up to do so.

    LEO: can you tell us which fields from meta sym uses to create the title & description or which function does the job?

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @leo wrote:

    Tonight when I’m working in the translation accomodation, I’ll see whats happening that causes a resize during batch-processing. I might have knocked something out of order in previous changes.

    PE – if things are set up you should be able to go through each page of your portfolio, select all, and generate previews. Having an option to create PE previews on-upload would be something I could implement.

    Are you saying the PE implementation is giving you problems? Some people seem to have it, and others don’t. Talking with Justin, I was told the only problem he has is when he fetches updates from a Symbio-site during it’s processing time (generating sitemaps, etc)

    this is why we should get a fully stable version done before adding such major changes as translation – all it takes is a missed quote to crash and some of text strings may not be fully tested, so the crash can come in the future when it won’t be I mmediately clear it’s to the translation

    also, is t5here a reason you still u se the 9.9.9 version numbering? rather than using A.B.C where A is a major rewrite and B is a significant change? i’, sur when people see a 2.9 going to a 3.0 they expect major changes and moving from 3.01 to 3.2.2 in a week implies a very unstable or fast changing program when in fact there have only been minor changes. it’s part of giving symbio a more professional look

    Profile photo of cascoly

    the keyword delete all has been there from the beginning — I confirmed it over several versions

    when testing I found a keyword that had only a few uses, then used batch to try to delete from several of them -0 it alwas deleted the entire keyword (same for category)

    this may have already hit other people because it was only by chance that I discovered it — the process doesn’t say which images are updated, so others may think they’ve deleted the keyword from only a few images, but actually deleted from all

    also, any progress on getting the image desc to use only ONE form of exif/iptc info, rather than generating double or triple?

    Profile photo of cascoly

    have the bugs in deleting keywords or categories been changed? it’s been there since the first release — if you try to delete keywords for selected images, it deletes that keyword entirely across ALL images

    Profile photo of cascoly

    at top of the page

    User Control Panel then profile

    Profile photo of cascoly

    the symbiocard was last updated about 6 wks ago


    Profile photo of cascoly

    I have a large proportion of food on my site & use it as a promoted keyword

    i’m out of town for the next few weeks, but will check in here from time to time


    Profile photo of cascoly

    priorities – no argument with the idea, in reality it’s unlikely the buyer will find an exclusive image here when they cant find it among the millions of exclusives on istock

    certainly, we should have exclusives marked and searchable, just that it’s low on the list of things to do to make sym a success

    Profile photo of cascoly

    they update automatically

    Profile photo of cascoly

    even with 200,000 images, it’s hard for the network to present a wide choice for buyers shows keywords used – within the full network, with over 11,000 unique keywords, the median # of images for a single word keyword search is 120 (ie, more than 50% would produce 120 hits or less.) for 2 word searches, results are much poorer . (it’s actually worse, since I don’t compile stats on keywords used by less than 3 sites). for individual sites, with 200,000 keywords being used, 75% of those keywords are used 25 times or less on any site

    at these levels, it’s hard to compete against agencies that will return 1000s of results

    doing searches on exclusives would result in NO hits for many searches which would send buyers elsewhere

    highlighting exclusives within searches might be a better way to go at present

    Profile photo of cascoly

    right – the report you refer to is the Alexa report and shows how many sites over the entire web link to your site – there’s no direct way to control this other than to ask people to link.

    give the lists of sym network links

    Profile photo of cascoly

    I’ve added you to the global search at

    To help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at

    Also, be sure to edit your profile so that your site appears as part of your signature, making it easy for anyone reading the forum to get to your site

    Profile photo of cascoly

    the yoast analysis is pretty helpful in moving to yellow & green

    selecting a focus keyword that’s in the first few words of the title & desc is usually enough to get a yellow

    to get a green you need to have longer desc, (but not use big words!) add a link or another image, change the word order of title, and add

    not sure if much of that really has any effect on getting the IMAGE indexed, since yoast is primarily concerned with text

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