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    Profile photo of cascoly

    @leo wrote:

    37 and 38 — I don’t see this happening at all…in the months I’ve searched and re-searched it, I don’t see those two items occuring.

    Are you using a current version of wordpress?

    i’m on an older WP now, but it was happening when my wp version was current — I haven’t tested again since it’s messy to fix afterwards

    I’ve dropped it to lw priority and will try to test again when I get back home fr awhile at end of feb

    latest buglist updated

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @leo wrote:

    8 is complete… why is it still listed?

    mostly because it wasn’t listd as fixed and no one reported it — gone now

    Profile photo of cascoly

    first & last name don’t show up in symbiocard.xml or csv even though they’re set in author settings

    Profile photo of cascoly

    ok, I think I have all the latest reports entered — please let me know if I’ve missed any, or if any of the items have been resolved

    Profile photo of cascoly

    just took a quick look at wp-multi site and looks like it’s the wrong way to go — it just pushes the complexity of setup one layer deeper — each artist would then need to setup pricing, categories, help pages, licensing, etc, etc – precisely the reasons some people are avoiding sym in the first place!

    we need a very simple way for artists to do a very limited number of tasks:

    upload images
    process images
    publish images (these last 2 could even be combined)

    that’s it — everything else would be handled by the site admin

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @joannsnover wrote:

    Right now there are no sales reporting mechanisms or stats in Symbiostock. If there were to be a version that allowed an artist to start a collective – very much like WarmPicture I assume – there would have to be a way to identify which artist made the sale and a way to make a list of all sales and prices/royalties for that sale.

    first, wold be easier if we could keep it within WP functions — making artists the equivalent of the author-user types and giving them access to upload their images, and perhaps read only access to cart stats

    at its simplest, there would be only one price list abd preset licenses (after all, this is for people wh don’t want to deal with hassles like pricing, licensing, etc, etc). with the cart data, royalties would be easy to do — details would be worked out between the site owner and the artists, not dictated by any symbiostock org. it’s conceptually no different from any agency where there is only the info that the agency decides to make available and artists agree to participate

    if we can make the user types work that would give us a simple functioning system and more elaborate systems could be designed later

    Profile photo of cascoly

    iagree it would be helpful to allow multiple people to submit to one site

    It doesn’t need to be ‘agency capacity’ — it could be done within the existing system if we can modify the user abilities

    what needs to be done is to give ‘authors’ the same sort of privileges they have for their posts & pages — ie they can eidt theirs, but not others.

    so, if artists/authors could only access their own images here’s how it would work:

    new user applies and site owner sets them up as ‘author’, using whatever agreement they want to use

    user then uploads and publishes their images, which are all treated as one sym site for networking purposes
    site owner is responsible for tracking sales & making appropriate payments

    LEO —
    1. can this be done?? — ie, give artists the ability to use the image upload & processing features but nothing else in admin.

    2. can each author’s name somehow be added to the image??

    if not for 2, then a kludge would be to assign each author a specific tag that would be entered with other keywords

    Profile photo of cascoly

    I’ve added you to the global search at

    To help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at

    In addition, any site that adds to their network will receive active links in reports such as

    Also, be sure to edit your profile so that your site appears as part of your signature, making it easy for anyone reading the forum to get to your site


    Profile photo of cascoly

    i turned off comments and get spam registrations but you can just ignore them, so no need for captcha

    Profile photo of cascoly

    besides those listed, I’ve been concentrating on creating backlinks to other sites — this approach has been raising both my sym & non sym sites in both google & alexa

    contact sheets are a major component — other ideas at:

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @christine wrote:

    If you look at the success stories of things like Google, Facebook, Twitter — you can see that exceptional ideas do not need promotion, as they tend to gather their own popularity.

    So if we could come up with an idea that you (or others) could build as a social platform for pictures – a sort of legal pin-interest for stock suppliers and users that would be a way to go ?

    I was thinking along those lines too — maybe a separate site that would let users upload images on one account – managed by an individual who would handle the hassles of mini-payments; while this wouldn’t generate a lot of sales, it could generate a lot of word of mouth

    Profile photo of cascoly

    a problem with a sumbiostock ad campaign is that we are so diverse — as noted, we can’t compete for keywords like ‘stock image’, so we’d need to be very niche conscious and that will be different fr each site

    a better approach might be to continue individual efforts, but then pool results about which keywords are being used, with what results – obviously we’d need a balance between sharing and competing with each other; last thing we need is an bidding war among ourselves

    there’s plenty of room once you go specific — I quickly ended up with hundreds of variations suggested on my first few tries

    the combined keyword reports & promoted keyword summaries give us a head start by showing what is being used and what users are actually requesting. we can see the effects of different keywords across the network now, and can study which keywords to add or concentrate on

    Profile photo of cascoly

    first, i’m glad you’ve decided not to push ahead with a completely new sym, with different api, db, etc — I think you were listening to those who wanted a system handed to them, which just isn’t gonna happen — just consider the effort involved in submitting to a new agency — uploads, categories, keywords, etc are what take time, even with the best interface.

    those who can’t take the time to learn the minimal amount of web design to run wp & sym are not likely to jump at the new sym either — while we could lose bth the momentum and the actual sites of the current sym — a fair number have never gone beyond v2.6.x (and that’s fine)

    i’d suggest taking a breather and then using the existing bug & suggestion thread to decide what is going to be done; high priority would be to document the current system so that we can really make this an open source project where other developers can contribute — one small example is the recent ‘stock image’ tile threrad — if I knew where that happened I could work to fix it, then send the changes to you to incorporate.

    Profile photo of cascoly

    google seems to be hitting sym sites fairly quickly, so I’ve only been waiting a week or so before sending new images to the agencies, and that seems to be getting the sym images indexed

    just set up authorship, so will see if that starts to have any effect

    Profile photo of cascoly

    I think multi lingual titles & keywords are asking for trouble — we have a few sym sites that are using non-English keywords, but they’re not going to be getting any networking in either direction; and how many users are going to use non-English keywords unless the site itself is in German, Tagalog, etc?

    automatic translating for titles and esc may work, but it will be difficult for keywords, since there’s no context

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