Forum Replies Created
February 6, 2014 at 5:19 pm #9052
@leo wrote:
Given the vote I kept it as a choice. I hope everyone keeps analytics ON, because if too many people keep it off it defeats the purpose.
Also, there is a new field in the Symbiocards, which notify the hub sites as to whether or not analytic is turned on or off.
“symbiostock_public_analytics” ( 1=on, 0=off )
So at least when the user makes a choice not to share, it allows the hubs sites the choice whether or not to evaluate the site, as well.
actually the vote shows 10 in favor of on/off and 160 in favor of making it part of networking, or not caring
February 5, 2014 at 5:10 pm #5536Welcome!
I’ve added you to the global search at http://symbiostock-search.comTo help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at addition, any site that adds to their network will receive active links in reports such as
Also, be sure to edit your profile so that your site appears as part of your signature, making it easy for anyone reading the forum to get to your site
February 5, 2014 at 5:08 pm #9210Welcome!
I’ve added you to the global search at http://symbiostock-search.comTo help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at addition, any site that adds to their network will receive active links in reports such as
Also, be sure to edit your profile so that your site appears as part of your signature, making it easy for anyone reading the forum to get to your site
February 5, 2014 at 5:06 pm #9305Welcome!
I’ve added you to the global search at http://symbiostock-search.comTo help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at addition, any site that adds to their network will receive active links in reports such as
Also, be sure to edit your profile so that your site appears as part of your signature, making it easy for anyone reading the forum to get to your site
February 4, 2014 at 10:09 am #9264neat view of the network —
for the list of png you produce can you also add the actual url of the home site? (it’s not always clear where the ‘.’ should go
February 4, 2014 at 9:59 am #9145Welcome!
I’ve added you to the global search at http://symbiostock-search.comTo help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at addition, any site that adds to their network will receive active links in reports such as
February 4, 2014 at 9:54 am #9048the only real way this will work is if we get data from the entire network, otherwise the statistics become meaningless — eg if someone with logging on, reports links to 5 other sites, but 3 of those sites have logging off, then it’s impossible to see what’s really happening — is the traffic all ne way? what’s the ratio of traffic etc?
so, if logging is optional, i’ll just be skipping all keyword reporting for any sites with analytics info turned off
right now we only have votes from < 10% of the total sym network — so most people either don't care, or more likely, don't participate in the forum. so if there should be an option it should be to optout
February 2, 2014 at 1:32 pm #9142@gow27 wrote:
Dear all,
I have added to my network sites.
My previous images are shown on the main Symbio network.
But since November 23, 2013, my pics didn’t appear on anymore.
Please suggest me how to fix it 🙂
how long does it take to make your pic shown on the network?? (since uploading it to your own website)
Thank you in advance for your answers !!
what’s your site? images should show up as soon as .info adds you
January 31, 2014 at 6:29 pm #8939@joannsnover wrote:
I’m not Steve, but I think he’s talking about the browser menu item that lets you look at the source code for a page. It’s called View Source in some and in Chrome, on the View menu it’s Developer=>View Source.
But you don’t have to go that far to get the URL for a thumbnail. You can do the search as he suggested and then right click on the thumbnail and select Copy Image URL (Chrome) or Copy Image Location (Firefox)
sorry – one never knows what level of detail to describe
anyway, the reason I use the search results from is the thumbnails come with the alt text already in place, rather than just the URL. yoast values the alt text of images, another help towards green
January 31, 2014 at 2:27 am #9015from the sym help
Network — Promoted KeywordsFor promoting your site far beyond your local network. Promoted keywords end up in your Symbiocard.
In certain circumstances, a remote (and unrelated site) may show search results from your site if it knows you specialize in the keywords provided here. Good for “Niche” sites that have specific specialties.
This is one of the strongest promoting features of Symbiostock. Promotion of your site is managed in the “marketing” tab.
===============================actually, you set promoted keywords in the network tab, then can see all of them in ‘marketing’ or my reports on combined PK over all sites
January 31, 2014 at 1:28 am #9037@joannsnover wrote:
For example, when I see from Shutterstock that for one of my best sellers (shot of my son’s awful bedroom; it appears messy but I had to clean it to make it artistically messy!):
Downloads per Keyword: messy (37%); room (26%); bedroom (9%); house (5%); dirty (4%)
I know what I can do with future keywording – it was more important to have room than bedroom; home didn’t show up on the the list but house did (both are keywords on the image)
So it would be interesting to see the path of a visitor through the site, searches they did and images they clicked on – is this the sort of thing you had in mind?
I do know that one of the big issues for many iStock contributors with the information they displayed about sales and views was how it enabled copycats. Some sites don’t tell you how many views or downloads an image has had. So you might find that if people perceived that analytics about other people’s sites would enable copycats, they’d want to opt out of tracking – or at least of anyone but them being able to see their site’s stats.
Who would be able to see what in your thinking about this collection of data?
that’s a good example — one of the reports I’m working on does comparisons of similar words like ‘farm’ vs ‘farms’ vs ‘farming’
an important point is that this data is anonymized — the combined keyword tables don’t track specific images, and no sales information at all is even logged; so the copycat issue shouldn’t be a problem
your point about istock’s stats reinforces the concept behind these stats – for years the agencies have had OUR data but in most cases we can’t get access to it. individuals can sometimes track their own stats, but the purpose of symbiostock would be to let everyone share in combined statistics of the sort no agency will provide (and again, private info about sales isn’t logged in the first place,)
January 31, 2014 at 1:16 am #9035for now, most people should IGNORE all the links to data leo posted earlier, because they are just raw data, impossible to digest. these files are setting the groundwork to be able to describe how to improve your site, much like the recent excellent blogs on ‘turning green’ or setting up google authorship
we have a lot of advice about SEO but these will allow us to actually test some of those ideas.
the idea behind these is to answer questions like:
which sites are sending me the most traffic?
what keywords are sending me the most traffic?
what keywords are getting traffic that I might want to add?
what promoted keywords are most useful?
if you have promoted keywords with low views, replace them with promoted keywords with high viewssome preliminary explanation is at but I welcome questions, comments or suggestions, both about what is there and what you might want to see. the uniqueness, info content, etc are still experimental – but a general notion would be from information science — if every images has a keyword such as ‘photo’, then the info value of that keyword is 0 — that is, using the keyword doesn’t help at all to get what you need. comparing keywords combined from all sites might give some idea of new keywords you might want to add, etc
the system will only be useful if everyone participates – most people won’t look at the raw data, but anyone interested can collect and analyze the data, then make summary reports available.
so if you participate in networking, analytics should be included automatically
if analytics can be turned on & off, that will distort the results
January 31, 2014 at 12:56 am #9013right, you can choose 10 sites to link with , but if those don’t have the keyword being searched, then those sites with that promoted keyword get shown (you can still exclude sites in the marketing tab even if they have the promoted keyword)
the idea is to make the best result for the user by finding sites with the images they want — especially when the keyword is uncommon
most people aren’t taking full advantage of promoted keywords – and there are many good seelections with only a few sites (eg, many place names have only 3 or 4 sites – including india, Denmark, china, Canada, Utah, Vermont, new mexico ) see:
January 30, 2014 at 10:04 pm #8805several reasons —
first the networks and friends of network effect
but you’re also seeing results for sites with that promoted keyword (eg ‘landscape’)
if no other sites show up,it may just mean no one else has that keyword — our network is still small eough that it’s possible
eg on my site, ‘food’ gives 487 images of mine, but additiponal hundreds from many other sites
‘nemrut’ however only shows the 15 images from my site
January 30, 2014 at 9:58 pm #8896within the networks, the links aren’t readily apparent to google,since they mostly are displayed only on specific searches
that’s why I’ve been exploring ways to link to my sym site from my higher ranking non-sym pages with pagerank 3 or 4