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  • #9547
    Profile photo of cascoly

    I posted about this separately — I just unstalled on a clean site on 1.and.1 with 3.3.2 and wp 3.8.1 – had same image processing problems

    just reporting for now — need to try out several things in this thread which just found


    2.Images Listing / Editing Area (“Bulk Options” dropdown, “Reprocess”)
    I don’t see reprocess as an option

    Profile photo of cascoly

    having a testing flag would be a good idea, rather than having kludges (this will be come even more useful as we move to a more controlled beta testing cycle) — but …
    — do we let sites go from live to testing?
    –do we remove them from the searches by those who networked to them?
    — does the theme check & turn off those links?

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @redneck wrote:

    Sure, why not.

    Let’s make a list of participants so we’ll know who’s image will be featured next.

    1. @picturebreeze (Redneck)
    2. @KerioakImaging (Christine)
    3. @flashstockphoto
    4. @shazamimages

    add me to the list @cascoly, need to get twitter q working

    Profile photo of cascoly

    ok, turning theme on/off generates the featured images category (and the free image category)

    nbut still having trouble getting anything processed

    Profile photo of cascoly

    3.3.2 (and 3.3.1) clean new install

    besides the multiple error messages in network scanner, images are not uploading & processing — it just goes to a screen that says ‘process images’ but nothing happens – sometimes 1 or 2 images appear in the images section, but no images

    tried turning on &off plugins — but email notification wont deactivate! it says it is at the top but in the list it still is active — refresh or logging out/in doesn’t change it- cant get rid of the thing

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @joannsnover wrote:

    This bug has been around for a long time. I helped a site owner who was struggling with this months ago. The only workaround I could find was to make sure that the name of the page you used for your home page was first in the list alphabetically (in his case it was otherwise the cart page and all sorts of messed up stuff results.

    The other work around I offered was to skip the home page generator 🙂

    right, I’d been avoiding the home page generator but plan to use it for the co-op sites.

    I didn’t have this on the bug list previously

    Profile photo of cascoly

    in 3.3.1 new wp install,it shows free & featured even when there are none – this happens with both admin and subscriber users

    and the categories don’t include ‘symbiostock featured images’ as a choice — how do I add featured images?

    Profile photo of cascoly

    there’s a trap for the unwary in the home page generator — if you create a page, run the generator, filling in your blank page, and save it, all is well.

    BUT if you later decide to edit it, it shows the home page you had created, but if you save, it’s saved under the name of the first page in your drop down list (which happened to be my EULA page). it’s easy to just scroll past that dropdown box, since the text you want to edit is showing — you don’t realize you’re editing/saving a different page!

    this may be the cause of several strange problems reported:

    it should either FORCE you to choose a page, or it should bring up the last home page for both title AND contents

    Profile photo of cascoly

    looks like the free images always shows on the generated home page — is there a way to turn it off? or does it just not show up if no free images are defined??

    Profile photo of cascoly

    I’ve added you to the global search at

    To help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at

    In addition, any site that adds to their network will receive active links in reports such as

    Also, be sure to edit your profile so that your site appears as part of your signature, making it easy for anyone reading the forum to get to your site


    Profile photo of cascoly

    I’ve added you to the global search at

    To help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at

    In addition, any site that adds to their network will receive active links in reports such as


    Profile photo of cascoly

    @klsbear wrote:

    Thanks Steve – it’s reassuring to know that I didn’t muck something up and that things appear relatively normal.

    I often have the same initial reaction — something’s changed so it must be something I did! but a later, less subjective look usually reveals it’s yet another coincidence and effect of the internet tubes working in their mysterious ways

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @lucato wrote:

    Symbiostock batch editor improvements (SEARCH)
    Now a days when performing a search there is no way to know in the results what are the images that we have already in a certain category, so users expend a lot of time selecting “repeated” images and adding over to the same category that it is already into.

    I’d like to suggest the following:
    1. In the batch editor, If I’m going to add images into the “Business” category, I would select on the right dropdown list (categories) the category “Bussiness” where it will show all images within this category. Ok, until here it is already possible;
    2. After that we would have a check box “[X] hide results already in the selected category”. So, let’s suppose I type in the search box the word “people” and perform the search. By having this checkbox checked, it would show only the people image that is NOT into the selected category “Business” instead of showing all (into and not into the selected category). If not checked the checkbox, it would show all results, the images into and not into the selected category) . See the image bellow a mock-up:

    Very needed option! ;0)

    this is up to the site owner — categories and keywords result in very different searches — if you want users to search in a category, add imkages to that category

    ‘not’ searches are an advanced topicvs that may be added later, but for mist users are not a concern, especially asince they require a more advanced (and confusing) syntax

    Profile photo of cascoly

    on my smugmug site, I offered free images for websites if they included my link info — it gained a small amount of traffic.

    I’ve done the same with my sym site — letting people use the minipics with links — there’s no downside to this, since it’s something people could do anyway WITHOUT giving me any backlinks! shows how this works on my site

    Profile photo of cascoly

    google doesn’t revisit your entire site, so it can take awhile for all old pages to be re-visited — I get 10-30 of these a week based on duplicate images I had uploaded, then later deleted.

    I doubt any of that is reflected by alexa — it’s anotherstat that should be looked at relatively rather than as an exact measure of your site. my site’s varied from 1,750,000 to 1,150,000 over the last six months after starting with 3,720,000; and my place among all sym sites has remained about the same meaning those have been wobbling also

    I’ve seen similar results for my site, wandering between 600,000 and 330,000 over the same period

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