The formulation of the problem in a term paper often causes students difficulty. This is due to the fact that in the classroom this issue may pay little attention, also use essay help online. At the same time, the description of the problem is an important part of the coursework, as it determines the whole course of the work. The problem in science is understood as an issue that needs to be investigated. This is some kind of contradictory situation, which requires finding ways to resolve the resulting contradiction.
The problem can be both theoretical and practical in nature. Gaps in theory require the development of appropriate concepts, and difficulties of a practical kind require the creation of certain means. After a detailed study of the resulting contradiction, the researcher comes to the need to find a solution that will eliminate the contradiction, or get help from service do my essay.
Once you have found a contradiction that requires a solution, find out if any solutions to the problem have already been found, also use that site. Often at term paper defenses, professors will angrily remark: "This issue has already been discussed many times in the literature and has effective solutions! What, then, is the benefit of the work you have done?". If you have not bothered to find out what has already been researched before you on the discovered contradiction, then you are actually reinventing the wheel, and your work loses its meaning.
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