December 27, 2013 at 10:59 am #748
Hi folks,
Sometimes we need a WP plugin that does something, but some of us are newbies and don’t know some plugins. So, I have opened this post to Symbiostock Community post here what kind of thing you need that a WordPress plugin does and maybe somebody can share some plugin name that fits for your needs.
So, it would be great to post like that:
PLUGIN – blablabla…:
– I want to… (explain exactly what you want to do or what you need a plugin for)Soon I’ll post some needs. :0)
Thanks for participating.
December 27, 2013 at 11:05 am #7843PLUGIN – Manage menus in a multilingual way:
My SYM theme is multilingual, but I’d like a plugin to manage my menus where I would create one menu called “Language 1” and other “Language 2” and check that the menu should be show when identify that the user is using a link with the language. for example:
– http://www…./?lang=en;
– http://www…./en/
– or other way that I have no idea. :0)If you know some WP plugin that does it, please share its name/link here.
Thanks in advance.
December 28, 2013 at 8:04 am #7844PLUGIN – Translating keywords:
My SYM theme is multilingual, but I’d like a plugin to translate my keywords and user get to search also for the translated ones.If you know some WP plugin that does it, or other way to do it, please share it here/link. ;0)
Thanks in advance.
December 29, 2013 at 6:29 pm #7842that’s a much tougher problem than translating fixed text – it woyuld require more intensive database activity for each search.
also, translation of single keywords without context will produce many false results
December 29, 2013 at 8:30 pm #7845@cascoly wrote:
that’s a much tougher problem than translating fixed text – it would require more intensive database activity for each search.
also, translation of single keywords without context will produce many false results
– I see. My all keywords are in English, and let’s suppose a customer is searching in Portuguese-BR. Maybe the plug-in would just translate in background the searched keywords and find the results in English. Other day I saw a thread talking about translating tags, but I didn’t favorite it, and I forgot the link, but SYM users were talking about translating tags.
December 30, 2013 at 8:47 pm #7846I toyed with the idea of localizing my Symbiostock site myself a while back. I tried a machine translation plugin, which provided fair translation results but slowed down my anyway slow site (cheap hosting @ blue host) just too much. The other big drawback: no SEO! I am depending mainly on being found in search engines, so this is a big one.
Go max and translate the whole site. Yes, it is possible (I do translations for a living). But good results are expensive (I know what I charge my clients
). And you would need Leo’s or other developer’s support to code in additional database tables for all languages for title, description, keywords, categories, more (?) and make the theme itself localization-ready.
Those are huge tasks. While I’d love to see this happen I have to agree that there are many more important issues to be tackled first.
December 30, 2013 at 9:10 pm #7847@Imago Borealis wrote:
…I tried a machine translation plugin, which provided fair translation results but slowed down my anyway slow site (cheap hosting @ blue host) just too much.
– Did you use this plug in for keywords (tags translation) or the whole site? What was the plugin used, if it was for the tags? My multi-lingual site doesn’t use plugin such google translator or things like that, it is translated “manually” (qTranslate plugin) and other hardcodes/”hacks”. Now I just need to get to translate the keywords or as I mentioned, maybe a plug-in that would translate in background the keywords entered in the search field and find the results in English. :0)
December 30, 2013 at 9:32 pm #7848Sorry for not spelling it out: I used TranslateThis Button for WordPress plugin. It machine translate everything on your site that is text (using google translate, I think). Obviously, the search would not work in other languages using this plugin (yes, another drawback.)
January 5, 2014 at 3:03 pm #7849hey!
I’d recommend Google Analytics for WordPress and a MUST HAVE Shortcodes Ultimate by Vladimir Anokhin
January 5, 2014 at 7:49 pm #7850@vectorjourney wrote:
I’d recommend Google Analytics for WordPress and a MUST HAVE Shortcodes Ultimate by Vladimir Anokhin
– Hi there, I would suggest you to post it in this thread instead: WordPress plugins for your Symbiostock theme. ;0)
Anyway, thanks for your reply.January 14, 2014 at 12:56 pm #7851PLUGIN or back end Multiple currency
I need a plugin to chance the currency before clicking on the “Download” button. I mean, as my SYM is multi-lingual, Englis and Brazilian Portuguese, I need two Shop Currency, USD ( US$ – US Dollars $) when users access English Version of the site and BRL (R$ – Reais ) when users access the Brazilian Portuguese version of the site.
Does anybody know some PayPal plug-in that would achieve that to work with SYM theme?January 22, 2014 at 8:26 am #7852PAYPAL – Encripted button
It would be for avoiding fraudulent payments.
It is a suggestion to Leo to add a code to replace the button or an encrypted code from and paste the html code in the input field in the back-end, not sure if it is simple as that. :0) -
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