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  • #37710
    Profile photo of Valentin Tabirca
    Valentin Tabirca

    I have installed Symbiostock Video Diagnostic. It is active.
    What should happen now or what should I do to test?

    Profile photo of Valentin Tabirca
    Valentin Tabirca

    Got it. Symbiostock, Settings, Video Diagnostic tab.

    Profile photo of Paolo

    Go to the page: Symbiostock> Setting> Symbiostock Video diagnostic.
    Click on “Run Test” and then “Save Changes”
    After several seconds, if the system works you should see, in the lower part, a movie representing a pot.

    If everything works and if you later install Symbiostock you must have full access to the server to set the memory parameters. Remember that you must have an unshared server for this to work properly.

    I have just installed the complete Video plugn too, I am waiting to get it completely fine-tuned.
    Good job.

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