December 30, 2013 at 1:43 am #758
Re posting this as it got lost in the migration (probably eaten by crocodiles during the wildebeest river crossing)
Websites with interesting content count high in google ratings and this transfers to links from those sites
Here’s another way to provide external links for your images.
Chronos: Windows in Time is an interactive historical timelines program
http://cascoly.com/games/chronos It shows peope & events and their relations over time.Use the groupings to isolate clusters of interest – eg artists & philosophers, or france, india and china. Then display the timeline or table.
Individual entries can have symbiostock minipics attached, plus they can link to a symbiostock page that sells that image
http://cascoly.com/games/chronos/showitem.asp?item=1249The link can be additional images, a wiki page or a page on your website with more information – if you don’t find an entry that you can illustrate, then submit a new item.
images need to be linked to an historic event or person; but with some inventiveness, many travel images can be used — eg, images of the Forbidden City linked to items about China; an image of Hagia Sofia for entries about the Ottoman empire, etcany symbiostock site owner can submit new historical people or events and your attached images will have priority over any later submissions
December 30, 2013 at 2:29 am #7893Thanks for reposting, Steve. I think I understand this better now than the first time.
I’m going to give it a try. Will report back if I have any success… or not.
December 30, 2013 at 2:49 am #7894So, OK, I’m back.
I managed to add on to the beginning of your time line, starting at 1000 AD. A good start, I think.
I’ve read the FAQ page and don’t understand it.
If I want to add an event plus a photo linked to that event, do I PM that info to you directly? Do I somehow send it via the beta test page? It’s really not clear at present how one is supposed to go about proposing a specific addition to the timeline.
The event I’m trying to insert is the massive volcanic eruption that took place in northern Arizona some time between 1040 and 1100. I have photos of the volcano and the mass of black ash it sprayed around a vast area of the southwest, plus images of the Wupatki civilization that was overwhelmed and ultimately destroyed by refugees fleeing the eruption.
Please advise. Thanks!
December 30, 2013 at 3:16 am #7895@marthamarks wrote:
So, OK, I’m back.
I managed to add on to the beginning of your time line, starting at 1000 AD. A good start, I think.
I’ve read the FAQ page and don’t understand it.
If I want to add an event plus a photo linked to that event, do I PM that info to you directly? Do I somehow send it via the beta test page? It’s really not clear at present how one is supposed to go about proposing a specific addition to the timeline.
The event I’m trying to insert is the massive volcanic eruption that took place in northern Arizona some time between 1040 and 1100. I have photos of the volcano and the mass of black ash it sprayed around a vast area of the southwest, plus images of the Wupatki civilization that was overwhelmed and ultimately destroyed by refugees fleeing the eruption.
Please advise. Thanks!
if you add a new item, you can include images and other links using the ‘submit’ form -it will add the item to the timeline and send me a copy to verify
to add links, you just include the info and for now, I need to update it manually
which parts of the faq need work?
we visited wupatki on our trip in Sep – the day before all the parks were closedDecember 30, 2013 at 5:35 am #7896Thank you for reposting! I’m sorry things got lost in translation…I mean…migration
December 30, 2013 at 5:12 pm #7897Thanks for your reply, Steve. I’ll try to explain what I found confusing last night.
I started on the Main Menu page by clicking View Timeline, which took me to this page: http://cascoly.com/games/chronos/list.asp?list=10
I didn’t find a Timeline there, but right in the middle of the page are two bold links: Main Menu (which I had just come from) and Help.
I clicked Help and went to this page: http://cascoly.com/games/chronos/help.asp, where I found a link to the FAQ page. On the FAQ page, I found a link to another section, “How do I add information to Chronos?”
That seemed to be what I was looking for, so I clicked it and went to this page: http://cascoly.com/games/chronos/faq-additem.asp Here’s the text from that section:
Cascoly Chronos: Windows in Time
How do I add information to Chronos?Last Rev: 18 Dec 2013
To make this as open a system as possible, anyone is allowed to suggest new items. Items are listed as probationary until they receive 10 votes from other users within a month. After that time they may be deleted [at the start all items will be left online for a longer time]
Add an item:
Each user receives points that can be used to vote for items to add, or to add more items.
It costs 5 points to vote, 10 points to submit an item.
Items are accepted when they receive 10 votes. The submitter then receives an additional 25 points.
Each user starts the week with a minimum of 100 points.We’re open to suggestions for improving & streamlining this system. We do reserve the right to delete any item we decide is inappropriate. Mostly, that means nothing derogatory or offensive.
Use this form for other questions, bugs, comments or to provide additional links or images to existing items
So, under “How do I add information…” it tells me about points to be received, points needed to vote or submit an item, etc. But it doesn’t tell me how to go about submitting an item for the timeline.
I clicked a link saying “Use this form for other questions, bugs, comments” and went to this page: http://cascolytravel.com/games/betatest.asp?game=chronos That took me to the Cascoly Betatest & Bug Report”, which perhaps I should be using now… but my confusion was much greater than a simple bug report.
This morning, retracing my steps, I discovered two small, not-bold, almost unnoticeable lines on the left side of the “View Timeline” page:
Using selected s and current date span
New timeline created Show TimelineI clicked that “Show Timeline” link and it took me to — Bingo!!! — the actual Timeline. At last!!! But I think the Main Menu’s “Show Timeline” link should go directly to the Timeline, not bury it two more layers down under a barely noticeable little link.
Also this morning, starting from scratch on the Main Menu, I did see the “Submit new person or event” links, so that’s obviously where I should have gone to start with. I began again with that link, and it took me to the right place. If I’d gone there first thing last night, I’d have reached the right spot right away. Unfortunately, that link is located at the bottom of the Main Menu. My eyes got pulled away the first time in, before I noticed it.
So, this morning… I started filling out the form, only to discover that I had no idea what the URL to my minipic image was. I left the form page and navigated back through the layers to Main Menu > Help > FAQ again, where I found a previously unnoticed link to this page: http://cascoly.com/games/chronos/faq-addlink.asp And there was the information I needed. Hooray!
So… I navigated forward again from the Main Menu to “Submit new person or event” and found the form, which had lost the information I’d just put in. But no matter. I filled it out again, adding in the minipic URL and the full-image URL.
And that’s where I am right now. I’ve got the form all filled out with a new event dated 1085, description included, and links to both the minipic and the full image page. What I can’t find now is a SEND button to click and move it on its way to you and the Timeline. If I navigate away from the page, I’ll lose the info on that form. But I can’t find any way on the page to send it to you. Can you advise me on that, please?
Steve, I’m glad you’ve created this intriguing timeline project. I’m sure once all of us figure out how to use it, we’ll enjoy it and benefit from it. But for now, it’s confusing to figure out and use. I have a few thoughts about how to better organize the setup, and will be glad to share those privately with you, if you like.
December 31, 2013 at 1:39 am #7898thanks for the detailed reply – that will help greatly – this app has migrated several times (starting with a DOS ascii version eons ago) and I’ve just installed a new timeline display, so there’s some clean up to do, and your comments will really help
for the moment, i need to create a new timeline file before displaying it, so there’s that intermediate page, but I can at least make it more obvious what to do. and i’ll make it easier to submit changes
any suggestions you have for entry or display are welcome — either here or by PM
December 31, 2013 at 2:13 am #7899Sounds good. Thanks, Steve.
I look forward to what this new Timeline tool will do for the network effort.
December 31, 2013 at 4:29 am #7900I’ve cleaned up the menus to make them less confusing and they now have links to the pages needed.
For the submit new item form, there’s a button at the bottom “Add this item”
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