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  • #645
    Profile photo of njene

    I tried uploading several images with thr flash uploader – a few didn’t make it through. So I tried uploading them again, and again only the error message coming up.

    So I tried uploading via the ftp – it seems that they have uploaded to the designated folder (the one mentioned under the flash server) because I see them on the file manager, but they are not going to the ‘process images’ area where I can edit and publish them.

    Any one encounter this same problem?


    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    There are problems if images are too large for the server to process (and that may just be lack of resources on the server). See the following threads that may be the problem you’re having:

    Profile photo of njene

    Thanks for those links Jo Ann
    I spent some time googling various terms related to changing php.ini file
    this was the most helpful tutorial:

    however, it wasn’t the memory limit issue with me (it is set to 128M in php.ini file) but I also changed the upload_max_filesize as it was set to 10M I changed it to 40M and it seemed to have done the trick. I will upload a couple of larger files later as well just to make sure

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