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  • #22656
    Profile photo of Robin

    Want pre-release access to Symbiostock? Volunteer to be a beta tester.

    We’re going to be rolling out the hosting solution along with the standalone release as well as the Symbiostock Express theme. But prior to that we’re going to be running a closed beta for a few days. You won’t need to download anything or set anything up – as a beta tester, you will have an account created for you where you can log right in and put your media for sale in just a few clicks.

    Our motto is: Break it!

    We want this to be a robust plugin that is coded tough and ready for abuse. We’ve developed it from the ground up to be seamlessly integrated and easily removed. It is, however, such a powerful plugin that you shouldn’t expect to be using your Symbiostock install for much more than selling media. Perhaps a blog here and there.

    Back to the point – as a beta tester, you will be tasked with the job of breaking Symbiostock. Upload weird files. Put in weird settings. Of course, you can easily break your install by deleting pre-configured settings – our goal is to stretch the limits of normal use. And we’re confident you can help us with that.

    The Symbiostock Forum

    The closed beta will be run within our coding forum. We want to not only hear about bugs, but your thoughts on the system – what you like, and what can be improved.

    [See the full post at: Beta-testing is about a Week Away]

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Robin Robin.

    Profile photo of Andre

    Yeah, I’d like to give it a try.

    Profile photo of LesPalenik



    thank you for picking up the Symbiostock idea and enhancing it. I’m looking forward to it.

    What will be the required setup for beta testing? Shall we get a temporary account on your hosting system or should we set up our own new site with our existing host?


    Profile photo of Robin

    Hi Les – you will get a free account on our hosting system. It will work just like Gmail in that you sign up and start using it without any installation. We may rename the service so that it is clear that it is not a traditional hosting service.

    Profile photo of LesPalenik

    Thanks, Robin

    Sign me up, please.


    Profile photo of Robin

    Will do!

    Profile photo of cascoly

    please add me to the betatesters


    will we be able to test transfer of our existing images?

    Profile photo of Robin

    Hey Cascoly,

    Yes, the importer/exporter will be part of the testing phase.

    Profile photo of Dean Fikar
    Dean Fikar


    I would like to participate.  I have not been able to use my site since applying a WP update a couple of months and I am frustrated.  Hopefully this will get me going again.  Thanks!


    Profile photo of shotupdave

    i would like to join the carnage

    Profile photo of scenicoregon

    Hi Robin-

    You still accepting beta testers?  And the hosted site we get– I’m assuming that is temporary, just for beta testing, or do we get to keep it afterwards (and save on the hosting fees)?

    I may be interested (still weighing if I’ve the time to help out).

    Profile photo of Robin

    Hey Rick – the beta testing sites will all be purged once the beta is over. However, I can help post some details about how to export certain customizations if you want to preserve them. It is better, for the most part, to assume that the beta sites will not be exportable.

    Profile photo of Robin

    We’re taking a bit longer for the beta testing so that beta users can port their sites to the hosting service if they so wish after the testing is over. We’re also writing documentation to simplify the process for beta testers.

    Profile photo of shotupdave

    has beta started?

    Profile photo of Robin

    You’ll be the first to know when it does 🙂

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