Profile photo of lucato

Hi folks, nice to meet you all.

I’m starting a bilingual Symbiostock theme at : http://arquivoscriativos.com.br – It is still on working progress in structure, language and uploadings.

My name is Luis, a.k.a Lucato in the stock world, and I’m from Sao Paulo – Brazil. I’m stock Photographer since 2003, therefore, I’ve +10 years experience in the microstock photography business.

I’d like also to invite you all to check my portfolio which is very eclectic (ideas, concepts, people, isolated objects/people, landscapes, animals, illustrations (Vector, 3D and computer generated), seamless background, videos, sounds, and etc. Just 400 files are online now a days, but there are +7000 to come online soon.

See you all around the community.

Have a great day,
Luis (Lucato)