Photographers/videographers who keyword before uploading
- Post-process your images/videos as you would normally in your favorite image editing software.
- Keyword your images/videos via your software through metadata, if supported.
- Upload your full resolution, un-watermarked JPEG/MP4 media via FTP in bulk to Symbiostock once all of it is post-processed and keyworded.
- Your media should auto-publish and be put on sale without any additional actions.
Photographers/videographers who use Symbiostock for keywording
- Post-process your images/videos as you would normally in your favorite image editing software.
- Upload your full resolution, un-watermarked JPEG/MP4 media via FTP in bulk to Symbiostock once all of it is post-processed.
- Your media should be in draft mode. Edit them using the quick-edit or bulk-edit interface and add titles, descriptions, keywords, and categories, and publish media all in one go.
- Your media is now on sale.
Vector artists who will not provide accompanying/alternate JPEGs
- Upload your media via FTP in bulk to Symbiostock.
- Your media should be in draft mode. Edit them using the quick-edit or bulk-edit interface and add titles, descriptions, keywords, and categories, and publish media all in one go.
- Your media is now on sale.
Vector artists who will provide accompanying/alternate JPEGs
- Keyword your alternate JPEGs via your software through metadata, if supported.
- Upload your vectors and full resolution, un-watermarked Alternate JPEGs at the same time via FTP in bulk to Symbiostock. Make sure each vector and its accompanying JPEG have the same filename other than the file extension (‘flower.eps’ and ‘flower.jpg’).
- Make sure you have enabled the reading of the alternate JPEG metadata enabled in your Symbiostock > Settings > Media tab if you are adding keywords before uploading.
- Your media should auto-publish and be put on sale without any additional actions OR, if you keyword after upload, your media should be in draft mode until you keyword and publish.
- Your media is now on sale.
As you can see, we have minimized all of your efforts to the only two necessary tasks: keywording and uploading.