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  • #34311
    Profile photo of Michael Williams
    Michael Williams

    So is there a way to force the download to the client? If I turn OFF the forced download the client gets an email sending them a link with a 0KB file to download or it sends a 0KB zip file.

    When I turn off forced download, it then sends them a direct link to the picture, however the link contains my upload directory and if you back out of that directory by erasing the file name you can see all of my images.

    How can I deliver the files either automatically or have Woocommerce send them a link where they CANNOT see my files on the webserver.


    Profile photo of Robin

    Hi there,

    That is a strange error, but if linking the image directly works, then there is some problem happening on your server that is preventing Symbiostock from serving the file using the other methods. That would be very hard to diagnose remotely. Have you contacted your host about it?

    Profile photo of Angelo

    I have the same problem. 0KB for zip and jpg files.
    It work only if I disable “Use Apache’s mod_xsendfile” but the result is that the customer receives the image directly from the browser.

    any suggestions?

    Thank You

    Profile photo of Angelo

    I have found the solution.

    I allow the download via zip file and disable however “Use Apache’s mod_xsendfile”,

    in this way everything works perfectly.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Thank you for sharing your solution, and glad it got rectified. 🙂 Every server is different, so sometimes a bit of tinkering gets it done.

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